Barefoot Kids

Barefoot Kids

Saturday, August 14, 2010

3 Monarchs Flit Their Way Into the World

And update on our caterpillar friends, 3 out of the 4 chrysalis' we have turned black and burst open with beautiful black, orange and white monarch butterflies. It's amazing to see how they carefully make their way around the treehouse and hang in place exercising their wings. We give them a day or so to build their strength then let them fly free. We suspect it'll be another few days until the last of our caterpillar friends finds his wings and joins his winged buddies, in preparation for their journey south to Angangueo, Mexico. Our friends Ima and Chris are making their way that way and will be able to see the masses of beautiful, gracefu,l black, orange and white winged monarchs make home after thousands of miles of flight. I joked that we should put a tracking device on the ankles of our treehouse monarchs :)


  1. We can't wait to share pics and video with you and the kiddos! Love, Ima.

  2. We can't wait to see them. BIG LOVE Ima Lima!!! <3
